divendres, 17 de setembre del 2010

Declaració de Palma

Fifth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health
“Protecting children’s health in a changing environment”
World Health Organization
10-12 March 2010,
Parma Declaration on Environmental and Health

Intensify our efforts to implement the commitments made through previous WHO ministerial conferences, especially those set out in the Children’s Environment and Health Action Plan for Europe (CEHAPE).
(...) Committed to act on the key environment and health challenges of our time:
  1. the health and environmental impacts of climate change and related policies;
  2. the health risks to children and other vulnerable groups posed by poor environmental, working and living conditions (especially the lack of water and sanitation);
  3. socioeconomic and gender inequalities in the human environment and health, amplified by the financial crisis;
  4. the burden of noncommunicable diseases, in particular to the extent that it can be reduced through adequate policies in areas such as urban development, transport, food safety and nutrition, and living and working environments;
  5. concerns raised by persistent, endocrine-disrupting and bio-accumulating harmful chemicals and (nano)particles; and by novel and emerging issues; and
  6. insufficient resources in parts of the WHO European Region.

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